CBD oil is making headlines all over the world, but many misconceptions and myths still surround the cannabis plant and CBD oil. This is leading to apprehension and confusion among potential users and people who could see great benefits from CBD oil. To help clear up some of the confusion, we look at 5 popular myths surrounding CBD oil.
Myth: CBD from Hemp Is Better Than CBD from Cannabis
This is false! CBD is the same chemical compound whether it is extracted from cannabis or hemp. In fact, hemp is just the broad name given to strains of the cannabis plant that produces extremely low to no THC. As the body would interact with any cannabinoid, it will interact with CBD using the endocannabinoid system without knowing where it originates from. A very good example of this is citrus fruits. Cannabis and hemp are both sources of CBD, just like oranges and lemons are sources of vitamin C. The body doesn’t know the difference in the origins of vitamin C just like it can’t tell the sources of the CBD ingested. A hemp plant can be bred to contain high levels of CBD just like a cannabis plant.
With the use of supercritical CO2, it is possible to extract and filter CBD oil that is up to 38% pure. After further purification, CBD can then be isolated to create an extract up to or more than 99% pure CBD. Many innovative technologies are being used for this process, and both CBD (from hemp and cannabis) will be the same.
Myth: CBD Is Only Used for Those with Epilepsy
This is not true, and the fact is that a significant amount of studies have shown CBD is effective for managing epilepsy, however, this is just one of its many benefits. Having been a Schedule I drug for the last few decades, it has been very difficult to do research on CBD, however more recently studies have shown that CBD is very useful for the treatment of several medical conditions like managing chronic pain, lowering blood pressure, reducing depression and anxiety and reducing the side effects of cancer treatments.
Research into medical cannabis for disease treatment is ongoing and is presenting some incredible results. To make effective use of CBD oil, ideally, you should probably consult an expert who is up to date and understands the potential of cannabis products and CBD oil. With the growing body of research to support the benefit of CBD oil for a range of diseases, you may need the guidance of a professional when it comes to timing and dosages best for you.
Myth: CBD Oil Is Completely Safe
CBD is deemed to be safe for human consumption but just like any other drug, it can have side effects, and it may react with some medications when used together. The best way to use CBD oil safely is to consult your doctor first because it can affect some prescription medications like anti-depressants and when used with some over-the-counter medications. While unlikely to cause any harm, CBD and cannabis extracts seem to cause varying reactions to people at a wide variation of doses. Some people can be very sensitive to cannabis extracts so the best way to be safe is to start small and slowly and increase the dosage as you go along. If you are not so sure of what you are buying, seek professional advice and always buy from a reputable company. For the vast majority of people, CBD will be safe and effective helping to improve sleep and alleviate some health problems like fibromyalgia, IBS, ADHD, arthritis, depression, and high blood pressure.

CBD tincture.
Myth: CBD Oil Is Illegal
In most parts of the world, CBD is actually a legal extract from the cannabis plant. With no psychoactive effects, the access to CBD has greatly increased as legalization has occurred. A small number of countries still regard CBD as an illegal substance, with a larger amount recognising the benefits and regarding it as prescription or now even full legal and an over the counter supplement. Typically sourced from legal hemp, an established industry for many years, farmers can now sell the previously wasted oil. Currently, the media is announcing the use of cannabis oil by parents and children with epilepsy, but in some states, this treatment is still illegal because it involves the use of THC as well as CBD. The purchase and use of THC is not yet federally legal in the US but some states have now open fully legalization with more on the way. This is because there is evidence that the combination of CBD with THC can be used to cure different medical conditions including cancer, MS and epilepsy. But this is different from the CBD oil available over-the-counter. For effective absorption of CBD, it is often mixed with other oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or hemp oil. CBD oil is available for sale in different forms including liquid, gummies, teas, sprays, as well as softgels.
Myth: CBD Oil Can Only Be Used for Pain
Since CBD has been classified as a food supplement in some areas of the world, studies have shown that the use of this oil is not only restricted to alleviated pain but has the potential to do so much more. There are so many other conditions that CBD oil can be used for, including inflammation, migraines, joint pain, anxiety, depression, Parkinson’s fibromyalgia, autism, sleep disorders, epilepsy (CBD oil in addition to THC), MS, and even some skin conditions like acne. This shows that CBD oil is not only used to alleviate pain. With the amount of research going into CBD oil and all its potential benefits, expect to see more CBD based pharmaceutical products on the market soon.
Having been restricted and controlled for so long, more and more people are slowly understanding the potential for CBD, but not before working through the suppression and myths about CBD oil.
Author Bio
Ron Goedeke MD, BSc Hons MBChB, FNZCAM
Dr. Ron Goedeke, specialises in alternative and functional medicine. With over 20 years of experience in the anti-aging field, Dr Ron Goedeke is recognized as one of New Zealand’s leaders in this new and growing field of medicine.